Take a moment to review the amenities of each of the mare care options available for your mare at Lazy E Ranch:
DRY MARE – $22/day
At Lazy E Ranch, dry mares (those not currently in foal) live in large grass paddocks. Because of the size of our paddocks, mares are able to be maintained in small, comfortable groups. Every morning and afternoon, all mares are fed a Nutrena textured ration. High-quality, free choice alfalfa is also fed in our specially-designed feeders. Mares are observed and evaluated by Lazy E Ranch personnel when feeding, during teasing, and when palpated.
At Lazy E Ranch, dry mares enrolled in our light program live in large grass paddocks in small groups of 10-12 mares. All mares are fed a Nutrena textured ration every morning and afternoon. High-quality, free choice alfalfa is also fed in our specially-designed feeders. Mares are gathered and confined under lights in our four-quadrant light barn on the north side of the breeding farm. Mares are brought into the barn at 4:00 pm and are released at 11:00 pm each night. This unique barn also provides additional shelter during inclement weather.
WET MARE – $25/day
At Lazy E Ranch, wet mares (mares with foals at side) and their foals are housed in the large main barn on the hill you see when entering the main Lazy E Ranch property. We are extremely proud that all mares and foals are bedded on high-quality straw bedding until the foal is two weeks old. We feel this bedding provides a great start for foals in terms of warmth, and a drier and healthier environment for those first weeks of life. At 2-3 weeks, mares and foals are switched over to clean, fresh shavings. Twice a day, mares are fed a Nutrena textured ration, as well as high-quality free-choice alfalfa. Mares and foals have several exercise options at Lazy E; we have several small turnouts inside and outside that can be utilized to the benefit of your mare and foal. Foals are evaluated daily by our managing veterinarian, Dr. Carly Turner, to determine the best course of exercise for each foal.
FOAL WATCH- $25/day
There is no better place than Lazy E Ranch for your new foal to come into the world! During the daylight hours, pregnant mares are kept outside in paddocks right next to the main barn. Mares are always in an area where they can be seen by ranch personnel that are working in the adjacent barn area. Following feeding time in the late afternoon, mares are gathered in the Ranch’s indoor arena for foaling observation. During the night, Lazy E Ranch has a three person foaling team under the capable supervision of managing veterinarian, Dr. Carly Turner, that keeps your mare under constant observation. Additionally, should any unexpected complications arise during the birthing process, Lazy E Ranch is fortunate to be only a five minute trailer ride from a world-class surgical and neonatal intensive care unit at Oakridge Equine Clinic.
PRIVATE CARE – $35/day
If you wish for your mare, or mare and foal to have private accommodations separate from the general population of horses at Lazy E Ranch, this option is available. These mares live in a stall at night and are turned out in private paddocks during the day and blanketed during cold or inclement weather. With an individual nutritional and exercise program, this is an optimal choice for those mares that will return to race training after an embryo flush or older mares with specialized health requirements.
SPECIAL CARE – $35/day
Should your mare have specific individual needs, we are happy to accommodate. Physical disabilities, diet needs, private accommodations can all be expertly addressed. If your mare or foal require some additional level of care specific to them, please call us so we can provide a solution.
Nursery Program
Your mare and foal can be in no more caring hands than those at Lazy E Ranch. We offer a full-service nursery program designed to meet every pre- and postnatal need:
- Resident veterinarian
- 24-hour foal watch
- Attended foaling
- Limb evaluation
- Stall for every newborn
- Straw bedding
- Plasma transfusions
- Colostrum check
- Daily turnout
Ensuring the health of your mare and foal is an investment in the future of your breeding, racing, and sales programs. Call us today to discuss our nursery services.
Lighting Program
All open or maiden mares residing at the Lazy E Ranch are put under lights starting December 1. As a result, these mares begin cycling by mid-February when our breeding season opens. Mares due to foal in January and February are also housed under lights during this period.